Griffin Dean is currently a senior in the DigiPen Institute of Technology’s Bachelor of Arts in Game Design Program. He is passionate about making games and has been from a very young age. In 2013, Griffin’s solo projects, The Lift, was selected to help represent DigiPen at PAX 2013. Griffin is from Los Angeles, California, but now resides in Seattle, Washington.
Games & DesignInteresting Articles
MDA (Mechanics, Dynamics, Aesthetics) Cognitive Flow Developers Wolfire Games TaleWorlds Entertainment Games War of the Roses: Kingmaker Thief: The Dark Project TES: Morrowind F.E.A.R. Empire Earth II Warhammer 40k Mount & Blade: Warband Dungeons & Dragons Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders Medieval Total War 2 |
Language Study
Peirs Plowman The Canterbury Tales Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Scots Dictionary The Brus
Example |
Martial Arts
Twa Sisters (Child Ballad #10) Mormond Braes |